promotion of Sanskrit dramatic activities
Samskrta Ranga
The Samskrita Ranga, Madras, is an organization founded for the promotion of Sanskrit dramatic activities. Its activities include the production of Sanskrit plays on the stage, as well as on the radio, research and publication in the field of Sanskrit Drama, and lectures and expositions relating to Sanskrit and allied theatre forms in India and South East Asia.
Although the Ranga as such was founded on 16th November, 1958 on the occasion of the First All India Kālidāsa Festival at Ujjain, it is really a continuation of the work that had been already going on in Madras in the presentation of Sanskrit plays. The first production of the Ranga was the Mālāvikāgnimitra of Kālidāsa which was performed by its Members on 26th November, 1958 at the First All India Kalidas Festival at Ujjain where the Ranga had also in subsequent years produced the two other plays of Kālidāsa. Its production of Abhijñānaśākuntalam at Ujjain was acclaimed the best for the year and it got also the Trophy for the best production at the Fourth All India Kālidāsa Festival. The Ranga had taken its Mālāvikāgnimitra to Delhi also, for the Summer Drama Festival where, before the then Vice President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the play was produced along with another short play called Punarunmesah, written by the President of the Ranga.
List of Dramas Staged
Mālavikāgnimtra of Kālidāsa- Kālidāsa Festival, Ujjain on 26-11-1958.
- Bhopal on 27-11-1958.
- 33rd Conference of Music Academy, Madras on December 1959.
- Under the auspices of the College Dramatic Activities co-ordinating Council of the Madras Natya Sangh at the Congress Grounds, Teynampet, Madras on 03-3-1960.
- In the Summer Drama Festival under the auspices of Song and Drama Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Talkotora Gardens, New Delhi on 10-5-1960.
- All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, New Delhi on 11-5-1960. -
Snusāvijaya of Sundararājakavi (1841- 1904 C.E.)1st Anniversary of the Ranga held at YMIA, Mylapore on 29-11-1959.
Vikramorvasīya of Kālidāsa- Kālidāsa Festival, Ujjain on 03-11-1960.
- 34th Conference of Music Academy, Madras on 04-1-1961. -
Bhagavadajjukīya of King Mahendra Vikrama Pallava- Second Annual Day under the joint auspices of Samskrita Ranga and Madras Natya Sangh held at Museum Theatre, Madras on 15-12-1960.
- Indo-French Cultural Festival of the East-West Week at University Examination Hall, Madras on 17-12-1960. -
Natir Pūjā of Tagore translated into Sanskrit by Dr. V. RaghavanUnder the auspices of Madras State Tagore Centenary Committee at Museum Theatre, Madras on 02-9-1961.
Abhijñānaśākuntalam of Kālidāsa- Kālidāsa Festival, Ujjain of Kālidāsa on 22-11-1961.
- Polytechnic Hall, Bhopal on 23-1-1961.
- 35th Conference of the Music Academy, Madras on 05-1-1962. -
Mālatī Mādhava of Bhavabhūti- Museum Theatre on 29-6-1962.
- 36th Conference of Music Academy, Madras on 05-1-1963. -
Vimukti by Dr. V. RaghavanVth Annual Day of the Ranga at Dharma Prakash, Madras, Madras – 7 on 01-12-1963.
Āgamadambara of Jayanta BhattaFor the Drama Training Course of the Madras Natya Sangh at Museum Theatre on 22-1-1964.
Svaśrū Vijaya of V.K. Subrahmanya SastriTheatre Workshop Programme of Madras Natya Sangh Drama Training Course on 17-12-1965.
Palāndumandana of Harijīvana Miśra of Jaipur- do - on 12-5-1966
Madhyamavyāyoga and Dūtaghatotkaca of Bhāsa- do - on 05-12-1967
Anārkalī of Dr. V. RaghavanDr. V. Raghavan Sastyabdhapoorti Celebrations, at Chennai on 01-09-1968
Vikramorvasīyam of Mahākavi Kālidāsaat Kalidas Samāroh Ujjain and Chennai in 1969
Mudrārāksasam of Viśākhadattaat Chennai on 28-03-1971
Anārkalī of Dr. V. RaghavanInternational Sanskrit Conference at New Delhi on 30-03-1972
Karupūracaritabhānaat Chennai in the year 1974
Avimārakam of Bhāsa (All women cast)International Women’s Year Celebration on 10-01-1976
Navagrahacaritam of Ghanaśyāmaat Chennai on 26-03-1978
Āścaryacūdāmani of Śāktibhadraat Chennai on 21-05- 1981
Padmaprābhrtaka of Kātyāyanaat Chennai on 30-10-1981
Karnabhūsana of Anūrupaon 01-11-1981
Mahākavi Samagama and Śiva Tandava Stotra (Vocal Rendition)All India Vedic Convention at Chennai 06-02-1983, 07-02-1983, and 08-02-1983.
Abhijñānaśākuntala of Mahākavi Kālidāsa (Select scenes)at Chennai on October 1984
Vimukti of Dr.V. Raghavanat Chennai on 10-09-1987
Kundamālā of Dinnagaat Chennai on 11-09-1987
Kundamālā of Dinnagaat Chennai on 02-01-1988
Anārkalī of Dr. V. Raghavan (Select scenes)at Chennai on 22-08-1989
Svapnavāsavadatta of Bhāsaat Chennai on 23-08-1989
Vālmīki Pratibhā (Sanskrit adaptation of Ravindranath Tagore’s Bengali play – translated by Dr.V. Raghavanat Chennai on 21-11-1990
Āścaryacūdāmani of Śāktibhadraat Chennai on 26-01-1991
Āścaryacūdāmani of Śāktibhadraat Kalidas Samāroh, Ujjain on November 1992
Abhijñānaśākuntalam of Mahākavi Kālidāsa- at Chennai on 26-03-1994
- at Kalidas Samāroh, Ujjain in the year 1994 -
Abhijñānaśākuntalamat Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai in the year 1994
Abhijñānaśākuntalamat Sri Krishna Gana Sabha in the year 1995
Valmikī Pratibhāat KSRI Golden Jubilee, Chennai in the year 1996
Anārkalīat Bharat Kalachar, Chennai in the year 1997
Anārkalīat Sri Krishna Gana Sabha in the year 1997
Abhijñānaśākuntalamat Malayalee Club, Chennai in the year1997
Anārkalī of Dr. V. Raghavanat the Xth International Sanskrit Conference, Bangalore in the year 1997
Vikramorvasīyam of Mahākavi Kālidāsa- at Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai in the month of December in the year 1999
- at Kalidas Samāroh, Ujjain on 19-11-1999 -
Vikramorvasīyamat Chennai on 27-11-1999
Vikramorvasīyamat Chennai on 19-12-1999
Valmikī Pratibhāat the 40th Session of AIOC, Chennai on 28-05-2000
Mālavikāgnimitram of Mahākavi Kālidāsaat Chennai on 22-11-2002
Mālavikāgnimitramat Kalidas Samāroh, Ujjain in the year 2003
Mālavikāgnimitramat Chennai on 28-03-2004
Valmikī Pratibhāat K. Chandrasekharan Centenary, KSRI on the month of September in the year 2004
Excerpts from different Plays"50 years of Madras Players" at the British Council, Chennai on the month of March in the year 2004
Mattavilāsa Prahasana of Mahendra Vikrama Pallavaat the Samskrita Ranga Anniversary, Chennai in the year 2005
Āścaryacūdāmani of Śāktibhadraat Samskrita Ranga Anniversary, Chennai on 19-11-2006
Anārkalī of Dr.V. Raghavanat Samskrita Ranga’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Chennai on 23-08-2008

About The Samskrita Ranga
The Samskrita Ranga, Madras, is an organization founded for the promotion of Sanskrit dramatic activities. Its activities include the production of Sanskrit plays on the stage, as well as on the radio, research and publication in the field of Sanskrit Drama, and lectures and expositions relating to Sanskrit and allied theatre forms in India and SouthEast Asia.
Dr. V. Raghavan – Contribution to Sanskrit Drama and Dramaturgy

Samskrita Ranga – The Torch Bearer Of Sanskrit Drama
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